Explore a world reshaped by guided evolution, where a privileged class challenges traditional norms and steers humanity to unexpected fates.

Disclaimer: this post was created with ChatGPT, an AI language model.

1. Take 1: Endless forms

In the year 2160, the city of Aria stood as a beacon of progress and unity. Here, the Selected, a privileged class born sterile due to atypical sex differentiation, had risen to power. For centuries, they had been marginalized due to their inability to reproduce traditionally, but with advancements in genetic engineering, they found a new purpose.

The Selected devised a system where offspring were created through a combination of their original DNA and advanced genetic engineering. This method allowed the creation of highly adaptive, intelligent, and emotionally balanced humans who were celebrated as the "Neo-Gens." The old societal emphasis on sexual reproduction dwindled, as the Neo-Gens quickly demonstrated extraordinary talents and harmonious temperaments.

With the Selected in leadership positions, they shifted governmental incentives to focus on intellectual and creative contributions rather than traditional family structures. Those who excelled in arts, sciences, and community leadership were rewarded with resources and opportunities, fostering a society driven by merit and innovation.

As decades passed, the city of Aria flourished. Conflicts over resources diminished, as collaboration became the cornerstone of society. With genetic diversity and innovation at the forefront, diseases that plagued the human race for centuries were eradicated, and the environment thrived under careful stewardship.

Elders sat in the serene Gardens of Aria, observing children playing—a new generation that knew no prejudice or inequality. The Selected watched with pride, knowing they had not only survived but had reshaped humanity's fate.

2. Take 2: The future is sterile

By 2160, the Omega Line, once a marginalized class, defined by their sterility, had seized control of the city of Aria. With advancements in genetic engineering, they began creating offspring not through traditional means but by combining their DNA with engineered enhancements, producing the Neo-Gens.

The shift from sexual reproduction to engineered births led to societal unrest. Traditional families, feeling threatened by the new system, protested against what they saw as an erosion of human nature. The government, now dominated by the Omega Line, responded with strict laws that favored the Neo-Gens, marginalizing those who clung to old ways.

The promise of progress gave way to control. Society split into two classes: the genetically engineered Neo-Gens and the "Naturals," those born through traditional reproduction. Naturals faced increasing discrimination, relegated to menial jobs, and barred from leadership roles.

As the divide deepened, Aria became a city under surveillance, where dissenters were swiftly silenced. The Omega Line, in their bid to maintain control, implemented a draconian regime, manipulating genetics to create a generation of Neo-Gens devoid of free will.

Hope flickered among the Naturals, who formed underground resistance groups, determined to restore the balance and ensure diversity in human evolution. But the Omega Line's grip was strong, and for every small victory, the resistance suffered great losses.

Life continues in the city as the Omega Line maintains a firm grip on the government. Stories circulate about Normals walking among the general population, though no one has had direct contact with them since the fork.

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