Welcome to my blog! I started it to practice my writing skills and to promote ideas that I find interesting.
I am a computer programmer by training, many of the topics revolve around that field.
The idea of automating the organization and discovery of knowledge has been in my mind since 2008 and this blog is an attempt to wrap my head around it.
If you enjoy the content, you can show your appreciation by sustaining my caffeine addiction.
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AI Career
In 2022, after 14 years as a software engineer, I found myself reconsidering my career path. The fast-paced software world was no longer compatible with my preference for deep...
Definitions of Intelligence
A reference card for definitions of intelligence.
Distributed agile teams
Can distributed teams be agile? Does Jira kill agility?
Illuminating the Mind: A Journey Toward Enlightenment
In the near future, NeuroLight Corporation revolutionized neuroscience with a procedure that replaced the top of the human skull with an artificial cap. This "OptoCap" embedded with micro-scale light...
The fork
Explore a world reshaped by guided evolution, where a privileged class challenges traditional norms and steers humanity to unexpected fates.
Vorherbestimmt von Robert Sapolsky
"Vorherbestimmt" ist ein Buch von Robert Sapolsky, in dem der Autor für den Determinismus argumentiert.
Eine kurze Geschichte der Intelligenz
Gestern habe ich ein sehr cooles Video geschaut. Es handelt von der Evolution der Intelligenz. Hier ist das Bild, das bei mir im Gedächtnis geblieben ist.
Der Anschein von Fairness
Ich höre gerade das Hörbuch von Richard Thaler, Misbehaving (Fehlverhalten). Im Kapitel 14: "What seems fair" (Was fair erscheint) beschreibt der Autor einige Situationen, in denen eine Firma...
Org-mode + PlantUML + Jekyll
Heute möchte ich zeigen wie man ein PlantUML Diagramm mit Org-mode erstellt und in ein Jekyll Blog veröffentlicht.
Estimation vs Forecast in Software projects
During my career in Software, the problem of estimating the time, effort and cost of a software project has been one of the hardest.
What is a computer?
Computers are everywhere but what are they?
Shannon's entropy is relative to the receiver
Shannon's entropy is relative to the receiver. Two distinct receivers with different knowledge and expectations about the information source would calculate different probabilities for each message.
Homebrew package upgrade breaking stuff and how to deal with it
Homebrew package upgrades have regularly broken my personal setup, blocking me from completing my current task. My personal Homebrew tap saved the day recently, so it deserves...
From ZSA's Moonlander to Voyager, part 1
I had only one goal, to replicate my Moonlander layout in the Voyager and it took longer than I had expected.
Der Code des Kapitals
Ich höre gerade The Code of Capital von Katharina Pistor. Das Buch handelt davon, wie Menschen das Gesetz nutzen, um viele Dinge als Kapital zu codieren.
Konfuzius: erst handeln, dann reden
Ich höre gerade ein Hörbuch über Konfuzius: Gespräche des Konfuzius.
Mit Emacs Org Mode ein Blog Eintrag schreiben
In diesem Eintrag versuche ich ein paar Funktionen zu probieren. Normalaweise schreibe ich direkt im Markdown aber dieses Mal schreibe ich den Eintrag mit Emacs Org Mode
Ich schreibe ein Tagebuch auf Deutsch
Ob ich ein neuer Eintrag in mein Tagebuch schreibe, hängt von meiner Laune und Niveau von Motivation ab, und auch wenn ich ein neuer Eintrag zu schreiben entschieden habe, dann...
To-do Listen mit Org mode für Emacs
Seit vielen Jahren bin ich ein Fan von To-Do Listen. Ich habe viele unterschiedliche Varianten probiert, z.B., plain-text files, Trello Boards, Atlassian JIRA, Google Wave und andere.
Wer zuerst kommt, malt zuerst!
Hier ist noch ein Eintrag, um mein Deutsch zu üben. So weit gibt es kein Thema. Deshalb schreibe ich einfach meine Gedanken auf.
Ergonomische Tastaturen
Seit ein paar Jahren bin ich interessiert an ergonomische Tastaturen.
PlantUML: the state of diagram layouts
I use PlantUML to visualize software components or ideas for blog posts. Often, the layout becomes unwieldy and a lot of time goes into tweaking it. This post is...
Knowledge as a network
An understanding of the structure of knowledge can help identify ways of learn efficiently. Learning a technical subject is hard work and finding better ways to do it is a...
Halmos' tips for writing
Paul Halmos was a mathematician who among other things was recognized by his excellent written exposition.
A bi-dimensional map of pronouns
In his book, The Loom of Language, LOL from now onwards, Bodmer gives advice on strategies for learning a modern language.
The Abstraction and Reasoning Challenge (ARC)
In 2019 François Chollet published the Abstraction and Reasoning challenge in the Kaggle platform with the goal to provide a benchmark to measure machine intelligence.
François Chollet's general intelligence test
François Chollet works in the field of Artificial Intelligence. He created the Keras library for machine learning and has launched the ARC Challenge for measuring general intelligence.
Spring Repositories
The Spring framework provides the
annotation and theRepository
interface. Although related and a bit confusing initially, they perform distinct tasks.Test independence using application slices
With the Spring Framework you can configure which Beans (components) are loaded into the Application Context in different ways.
Marcus Hutter's AIXI model for Universal Artificial Intelligence
Marcus Hutter proposes a definition of Universal Intelligence and offers a mathematical theory describing the optimal intelligent agent, AIXI.
Definitions of Machine Intelligence
One of the known issues in the field of Artificial Intelligence is that there is no generally accepted formal or informal definition of intelligence.